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Common Oral Problems and Easy Solutions

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Our mouth literally harbors numerous microorganisms. These microbes are called normal flora and is always expected to be present in the mouth of health normal beings. Unless they multiply into a certain amount, they will remain dormant and will not be able to cause infection. Say for example, the pH on the mouth drops or … Continued

Quick Tips on Avoiding Offensive Breath Smell

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There have been moments you have encountered where you limit opening your mouth because of, let’s say, garlic or onion breath. This smell is very normal and non-offensive during lunch and dinner. The problem is having an offending breath smell during a conversation is not all nice. Never fear! There are, of course, lots of … Continued

Tooth Sensitivity Should be a Thing of the Past

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There were times you’d rather not have ice cream or drink a hot beverage at all just because it sends shivers to the spine. Ice cream is best served frozen and coffee is best served hot. Those extremes make you cringe in pain because of tooth sensitivity. Well, you don’t have to deprive yourself from … Continued

The WHO Global Oral Health Programme (ORH)

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At Greenspoint Dental, the insistence of our dental hygienists about maintaining your dental health is in tune with the oral health program of the WHO (World Health Organization). Oral health is one of the most important basic needs of the population, with free dental services offered in most communities, there is still a large percentage … Continued

Pros and Cons of Water Fluoridation

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Water fluoridation is a popular practice in areas where there are high incidences of tooth decay among the population. The medical term for tooth decay is dental caries, a condition that may seem minor at first but can develop severe complications if left unmanaged. There are increasing cases of gum disease, oral and throat infections, … Continued

How important is Fluoride in Dental Health?

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When you turn on the television and spot a commercial for toothpaste, all bets are in that the advertisement will highlight the presence of fluoride in the product. Fluoride is a mineral that you can find in water and most foods. However, like other substances in the body, fluoride can be lost but it can … Continued

Oral Piercings and How They Affect Dental Health

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The turn of the 21st century brought about the birth of a generation that placed great importance on inner beauty and unconventional aesthetics. There are more people getting tattoos and piercings as a form of self-expression, and while this in itself isn’t a problem, awareness has to be raised on the potential risks of getting … Continued

Personal Dental Hygiene: Taking Care of Your Teeth

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Personal dental hygiene is one of the biggest factors that affect the health of our teeth. Beyond getting professional cleaning, you also need to take care of your teeth during your personal time. That means regular brushing and flossing, a healthy diet, and regular dental check-ups. At Greenspoint Dental we offer a variety of consultation … Continued

Genes and Dental Health

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One of the biggest factors that affect our physical and mental health is genetics. Other people can get away with getting professional cleaning once or twice a year and have no repercussions while other people have to get their teeth cleaned more frequently. Sometimes, even with great dental hygiene, some people still get cavities or … Continued