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Toothbrush 101: How to Choose and use your brush

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Toothbrush and how to brush your teeth maybe one of the most basic how to’s that you will ever read but do you know that most of us are not even doing it right? There’s a right way on how to choose toothbrush and the right way on how to use it too. We just … Continued

Various Types of Tooth Cleaning Explained

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A lot of people see teeth cleaning as simple dental procedures that they do not need to focus too much on. What these people fail to realize is the fact that there are different kinds of tooth cleaning procedures today. The Need for Different Types As we all know, no two people have the same … Continued

Common Oral Problems and Easy Solutions

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Our mouth literally harbors numerous microorganisms. These microbes are called normal flora and is always expected to be present in the mouth of health normal beings. Unless they multiply into a certain amount, they will remain dormant and will not be able to cause infection. Say for example, the pH on the mouth drops or … Continued

Quick Tips on Avoiding Offensive Breath Smell

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There have been moments you have encountered where you limit opening your mouth because of, let’s say, garlic or onion breath. This smell is very normal and non-offensive during lunch and dinner. The problem is having an offending breath smell during a conversation is not all nice. Never fear! There are, of course, lots of … Continued

Tooth Sensitivity Should be a Thing of the Past

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There were times you’d rather not have ice cream or drink a hot beverage at all just because it sends shivers to the spine. Ice cream is best served frozen and coffee is best served hot. Those extremes make you cringe in pain because of tooth sensitivity. Well, you don’t have to deprive yourself from … Continued

Oral Piercings and How They Affect Dental Health

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The turn of the 21st century brought about the birth of a generation that placed great importance on inner beauty and unconventional aesthetics. There are more people getting tattoos and piercings as a form of self-expression, and while this in itself isn’t a problem, awareness has to be raised on the potential risks of getting … Continued

Are Cavities Caused by Sweets?

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You will notice that most children who like to eat sweets are common victims of cavities. This is because the presence of sugar in the mouth erodes the tooth’s natural cover called enamel, and makes the teeth susceptible to cavities. This can happen when you constantly eat sweet things such as candies and chocolate. Dental … Continued