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Is Oral Health Genetic?

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You might not realize it, but something that affects our oral health is genetics. While this is obviously a contributing factor in diseases like cancer, heart disease, and genetically-linked growth distributions our teeth are also impacted by who your ancestors are! Some people must get their teeth cleaned more often to stay healthy. Sometimes, even … Continued

The Truth About Gingivitis

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It starts as a small problem–bad breath that won’t go away, red and swollen gums, and mild discomfort. You may notice some blood when brushing your teeth–but doesn’t that just mean you were being too rough with your teeth? The real truth may be far more serious, and lead to complications in your oral health. … Continued

What to Do if You’re Missing Teeth

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If you’ve lost one or more teeth, you’ve joined millions of Americans who have lost their pearly whites due to old age, gum disease, or injury. Missing teeth make it difficult to eat, speak, and interact with others because of a loss of confidence. To maintain dental health we recommend getting a tooth replacement inserted, … Continued

Facts About Gum Disease

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Americans are not likely to think of a dental epidemic when they think of diseases plaguing the general public. But that’s exactly what gum disease is doing–ravaging the gums of many Americans so that by the time they notice it is too late. Fortunately, gum disease isn’t a silent killer. There are actually many symptoms … Continued

Seniors Have Increased Dental Risks

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Seniors are often known for their use of dentures–a common solution to the loss of teeth. But this loss of teeth is caused by periodontitis, gum disease that is known for destroying the sockets where teeth are held and increasing the risk of other diseases. In addition to this disease, seniors deal with many other … Continued

Top Causes of Dental Injuries

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Dental emergencies and injuries are not at all uncommon thanks to the easily forgettable hazards to your teeth. It’s impossible to predict a dental emergency and in some respects nearly impossible. Here are some of the most common causes of dental emergencies that may be reason to contact our office immediately or visit the emergency … Continued

What’s So Smart About Wisdom Teeth?

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Getting wisdom teeth is almost seen as a rite of passage today, but does anybody even know why we have wisdom teeth? It seems dentists make a big deal of these special teeth, only to remove them before they grow in. What is the big fuss about wisdom teeth and what purpose do they serve? … Continued

Options for Replacing Teeth

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If you’ve lost one or more teeth, you’ve joined millions of Americans who have lost their pearly whites due to old age, gum disease, or injury. Missing teeth make it difficult to eat, speak, and interact with others because of a loss of confidence. To maintain dental health we recommend getting a tooth replacement inserted, … Continued

5 Biggest Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

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Have you ever put something cold in your mouth, only for your teeth to hurt and you wince in pain? Tooth sensitivity comes in many forms, but can make eating certain foods and being in extreme weather conditions painful. There are actual several causes of tooth sensitivity, but fortunately tooth sensitivity is treatable and can … Continued

New Research About the Effects of Wine and Coffee on Teeth

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Wine lovers always cite the health benefits of a glass of red wine–the benefits that are obtained alongside a healthy diet and exercise. But red wine may not be great for your oral health, which depends on the concentration of drinks and how often you brush your teeth. The acidity of red wine leaves a … Continued