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How important is Fluoride in Dental Health?

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When you turn on the television and spot a commercial for toothpaste, all bets are in that the advertisement will highlight the presence of fluoride in the product. Fluoride is a mineral that you can find in water and most foods. However, like other substances in the body, fluoride can be lost but it can … Continued

Oral Piercings and How They Affect Dental Health

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The turn of the 21st century brought about the birth of a generation that placed great importance on inner beauty and unconventional aesthetics. There are more people getting tattoos and piercings as a form of self-expression, and while this in itself isn’t a problem, awareness has to be raised on the potential risks of getting … Continued

Personal Dental Hygiene: Taking Care of Your Teeth

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Personal dental hygiene is one of the biggest factors that affect the health of our teeth. Beyond getting professional cleaning, you also need to take care of your teeth during your personal time. That means regular brushing and flossing, a healthy diet, and regular dental check-ups. At Greenspoint Dental we offer a variety of consultation … Continued

Genes and Dental Health

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One of the biggest factors that affect our physical and mental health is genetics. Other people can get away with getting professional cleaning once or twice a year and have no repercussions while other people have to get their teeth cleaned more frequently. Sometimes, even with great dental hygiene, some people still get cavities or … Continued

Effectiveness of Monthly Dental Cleaning

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Getting cleaned professionally by a dentist should be a regular part of your routine. At Greenspoint Dental, we have a variety of cleaning procedures available to our patients. Regular cleaning by a dentist manages to get rid of plaque and food that cannot be reached by regular brushing with a toothbrush.  The space in between … Continued

Are Cavities Caused by Sweets?

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You will notice that most children who like to eat sweets are common victims of cavities. This is because the presence of sugar in the mouth erodes the tooth’s natural cover called enamel, and makes the teeth susceptible to cavities. This can happen when you constantly eat sweet things such as candies and chocolate. Dental … Continued