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Myths and Truths about Tooth-Staining Foods and Drinks

By fahrenheit

  In our selfie obsessed generation, one piece of information many people seek to understand is, what are tooth-staining food and drinks? Keeping them from that perfect, pearly white smile. Let’s shed some light on this topic by discovering what is mythical and what is factual.   Myths Smokeless Tobacco is Not Bad for Your … Continued

What Is a Root Canal (And How Does It Work)?

By fahrenheit

“Root canal” refers to a cavity in the root of a tooth, containing dental pulp. Dental pulp consists of connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers, which provide support, nutrition, and sensation to the tooth. The pulp is necessary when a tooth is developing because it provides essential nutrition. However, after full development, the pulp’s … Continued

Celiac Disease: It Affects Your Teeth Too

By fahrenheit

In the past few years, a protein called Gluten has become a star. It is all over the news and has become a common household word. Gluten-free cereals, snacks, and bread substitutes pepper the shelves of grocery stores. You almost can’t go out to eat without seeing “Gluten-free” options on the menu. People are talking … Continued

What’s In a [Tooth] Name?

By fahrenheit

  Brush 2 times a day and “only floss the teeth you want to keep”. These are things we all know. We know the importance of mouthwash and the detriment of sugar. We work hard to keep our teeth fresh and clean, but do we know where they get their names? Milk teeth, wisdom teeth, … Continued

Are Canker Sores Contagious?

By fahrenheit

So you have a canker sore. You’re probably curious whether it is contagious. Can you spread it by sharing food, utensils, and cups? Can you spread it to your significant other? The good news is that canker sores are not contagious. But what is the deal with these mysterious mouth sores? What causes them, how … Continued

Dental Tourism: A Vacation for Your Teeth?

By fahrenheit

  Not quite. Dental tourism, or crossing oceans to save money on dental care, has been on the rise since 2011. Patients Beyond Borders, a medical publication, states that Americans who are willing to travel can save up to 70% on dental procedures such as root canals and crowns. But is it worth it to … Continued

Have you heard about Ashik Gavai?

By fahrenheit

In July, 17-year-old Ashik spent 7 hours in a Mumbai dentist’s chair. Talk about being afraid of the dentist, a routine cleaning has nothing on a 7-hour procedure! Not only was it a 7-hour procedure, but it was a procedure void of the modern comforts like office TVs and plush dental chairs that Americans are … Continued

Man Gets Dentures Stuck In Throat For 6 Days

By fahrenheit

PARIS (AP) — An elderly Frenchman has been hospitalized in serious condition after his false teeth reportedly were stuck in his throat for six days. The Dunkirk Hospital said Tuesday it is investigating how its personnel handled the treatment of 85-year-old Roland Marissael. La Voix du Nord newspaper reported that staff at the Dunkirk Hospital … Continued

Adult Braces: It’s Never Too Late—Part 1

By fahrenheit

  Curses to those that are born with perfectly straight teeth! Alright, I take back the curse but I know I’m not alone in my jealousy. In fact, the AAO estimates that 75 percent of Americans suffer from malocclusion (bad bite) and could benefit from orthodontic treatment. This number isn’t limited to young kids and … Continued

You Should Be (Thoroughly) Chewing Your Food

By fahrenheit

Chew your food and keep your mouth closed when you do it! You can hear your mom and dad yelling this across the dinner table as you were somehow trying to inhale a plate of mac n cheese, while at the same time joking around with your siblings. You were being rude (come on, admit … Continued