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5 Things You Need to Know About Dental Bonding

By fahrenheit

Restorative dentistry procedures help patients with broken, decayed, or missing teeth. Restoring the appearance of your smile is important, but these restorative procedures can also help protect your teeth from other oral health problems. Dental bonding is a type of restorative dentistry and may be a good option for your oral health.   Here are … Continued

Is Bottled Water Good for Your Teeth?

By fahrenheit

From Fiji to Dasani, the U.S. market is the largest bottled water consumer market. While water is crucial to our overall health, fluoride is crucial to our dental health. Here are 5 things you need to know about bottled water and your dental health.   Fluoride is Important to Your Dental Health Fluoride is a … Continued

Mouth Breathing: Why This Is A Dangerous Sleeping Habit

By fahrenheit

  Do you breathe through your mouth when you sleep? Do you wake up with a dry mouth? Researchers at a university in New Zealand have found that you may increase your risk of tooth decay if you breathe through your mouth when sleeping.   Acidity eats away at the tooth’s enamel and the acid … Continued

Bad Breath: 3 Common Causes & 3 Remedies

By fahrenheit

Isn’t it awful when you’re talking to someone with bad breath and you’re trying to discreetly breathe in another direction? Isn’t it even worse when you’re trying to hide your bad breath?   Halitosis, commonly called bad breath, can be caused by many different things and can be treated in many different ways. Here are … Continued

President’s Day: Electing Good Dental Health

By fahrenheit

President’s Day: Electing Good Dental Health Did you know that many presidents have struggled with dental health? Despite being the Commander-in-Chief, many presidents dealt with tooth decay and pain.   Here are 4 presidents that struggled with dental health:   George Washington The first president of the United States struggled with tooth decay and pain … Continued

7 Things that Damage Your Teeth

By fahrenheit

  From crunching on ice at a Houston Texans game to using your canines to open your child’s snack, there are many habits that can severely damage teeth.  Here are 7 things that can damage your teeth and your overall oral health.   Overbrushing While it’s critical to brush your teeth thoroughly, twice a day, … Continued

Wisdom Teeth: 5 Reasons They Should Go

By fahrenheit

  Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars people get generally in their teenage years or early twenties.  When wisdom teeth come in, your dentist examines them to determine whether or not they need to be removed.  While every mouth is different, about 5 million Americans get their wisdom teeth removed each … Continued

Canker Sores vs. Cold Sores: What’s The Difference?

By fahrenheit

  While used interchangeably, canker sores and cold sores are different.  Canker and cold sores have many differences including where they pop up and what causes them.  Here are the main differences between canker and cold sores, along with some tips on how to treat both types of sores.   Where the Sores Show Up … Continued

Brace Yourself: The Top 3 Advantages of Invisalign

By fahrenheit

There is a great option for people who want straight teeth, but don’t want to deal with the painful experience of braces.  Invisalign offers people the ability to straighten their teeth by wearing plastic aligner trays that are invisible and removable.  Here are the top 3 reasons Invisalign is a great alternative to braces.   … Continued

8 Snacks that Are Good for Your Oral Health

By fahrenheit

We all know that we should eat a balanced diet and we all know that a daily oral care routine is important.  But if you’re in the mood for a snack, you can choose the following items to satisfy your hunger and improve your oral health.   Apples Apples stimulate saliva flow, which helps wash … Continued