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Canker Sores vs. Cold Sores: What’s The Difference?

By fahrenheit

  While used interchangeably, canker sores and cold sores are different.  Canker and cold sores have many differences including where they pop up and what causes them.  Here are the main differences between canker and cold sores, along with some tips on how to treat both types of sores.   Where the Sores Show Up … Continued

Brace Yourself: The Top 3 Advantages of Invisalign

By fahrenheit

There is a great option for people who want straight teeth, but don’t want to deal with the painful experience of braces.  Invisalign offers people the ability to straighten their teeth by wearing plastic aligner trays that are invisible and removable.  Here are the top 3 reasons Invisalign is a great alternative to braces.   … Continued

8 Snacks that Are Good for Your Oral Health

By fahrenheit

We all know that we should eat a balanced diet and we all know that a daily oral care routine is important.  But if you’re in the mood for a snack, you can choose the following items to satisfy your hunger and improve your oral health.   Apples Apples stimulate saliva flow, which helps wash … Continued

Stocking Stuffer Ideas to Boost Kids’ Dental Health

By fahrenheit

Most of the time, a stocking stuffer ranges from things like candy and hot wheels or lip gloss. While the generic stocking stuffers are always sure to please the kiddos, why not try something a little more healthy and unexpected? There are a million health-related goodies that kids will marvel over without even knowing how … Continued

The Holiday Guide for Treating Your Teeth

By fahrenheit

Are your teeth prepared for the holiday season? With all the hustle and bustle, our dental health is not always on the forefront of our mind. There are ways to prevent cavities from taking over this holiday season, a time when sugary snacks are the only option and the only way to stay warm is … Continued

Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

By fahrenheit

Have you ever found it odd that the dentist leaves you in a room alone to get x-rays done in order to avoid radiation damage? You’re not alone. That lead vest is less than comforting and it’s normal to think that being exposed to radiation is bad for you health. Rest assured, the benefits outweigh … Continued

4 Reasons Your Gums Are Bleeding

By fahrenheit

Whether you floss every day or twice a year, it is possible for anyone to experience bloody gums. Bleeding gums are something that should never happen – even when getting a professional clean – and it usually means you have gum disease. But what caused it? Consider these three reasons your gums are not receiving … Continued

The Best Ways to Prevent Dry Sockets

By fahrenheit

If there is one thing you need to avoid after a tooth extraction, especially wisdom teeth, is a dry socket. Not only are dry sockets bad for your oral health and prevent the rebuilding of your gums, but they also cause unbearable pain. What Are Dry Sockets? A dry socket comes from improperly allowing your … Continued