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The 4 Steps of Flossing

By fahrenheit

You’ve heard it a million times from your dentist or dental assistant. Flossing is a key aspect to keeping your mouth fresh and clean, giving you that big bright smile. But even with the best intentions, flossing does not help your teeth if you don’t properly do it.   Follow these four steps for a … Continued

What To Do For A Chipped Tooth

By fahrenheit

It’s almost the end of cook-out seasons so your family and friends decide to have one last Bar-B-Q. You take a bite out of a rack of ribs and CRUNCH! You bit the bone and cracked your tooth. A chipped tooth is a very painful situation but there are multiple ways to quickly control the … Continued

No Dental Insurance? No Problem

By fahrenheit

Like most things, teeth are notorious for decaying with age. Your original fillings stick, and the coffee stains are now permanent. While insurance for dental care may seem unnecessary in old age, your teeth are still a relevant body part that should be taken care of appropriately.   Unfortunately, dental care is not provided as … Continued

4 Types of Teeth and Why They Are Important

By fahrenheit

Knowing the anatomy of your mouth and teeth is a crucial part of oral hygiene. If we are aware of what is going on inside our mouths, it is easier to indicate when something is out of the ordinary. The first step is to recognize the function of each type of tooth you have.   … Continued

Dentures or Dental Implants: What’s the Difference?

By fahrenheit

Are you ready to update your smile, but cannot decide between dental implants or dentures? Both are legitimate choices, but there are a few differences to be aware of when choosing the best smile for you.   Dentures Dentures are available as complete or partial sets. They are removable and much cheaper than dental implants. … Continued

How to Safely Whiten Your Teeth

By fahrenheit

Teeth whitening has become one of the most lucrative services in the dental industry. Today, Americans spend billions of dollars on teeth whitening products annually, and it’s the most popular procedure requested by patients ages 40 to 60. Everyone wants whiter teeth, but do whitening techniques pose a risk to your dental health? Aside from … Continued

Alcohol and Your Teeth

By fahrenheit

A recent study found that a majority of Americans drink up to 4 alcoholic drinks a week. While drinking alcohol is not inherently wrong, it is often what happens after alcohol consumption that causes trouble–drunk driving, irresponsible actions, or even the development of certain health conditions. Drinking alcohol without limits can bring you a host … Continued

How Exactly Does a Cavity Hurt Your Teeth?

By fahrenheit

The last thing you want to hear when you go in for your dental visit is, “You have a cavity”. Nearly all of us are familiar with this dental condition. We know the foods and drinks we should eat to fight cavities, how to brush our teeth to prevent tooth decay, and to avoid habits … Continued

Great Dentists of History: Pierre Fauchard

By fahrenheit

Dentistry, unlike other modern fields of medicine and technology, did not sprout up into existence over the past several centuries. As early as 5000 BC, the American Dental Association recorded on their timeline, a Sumerian text described “tooth worms” as the cause of dental decay. Of course, tooth worms do not actually exist, but this … Continued

Malice in Your Mouth: Oral Cancer

By fahrenheit

We are all familiar with cancer and its common types, such as breast cancer and leukemia. What about mouth or oral cancer? According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) oral cancer is a type of cancer that affects the mouth and the back of the throat. It can occur anywhere in … Continued