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White Knight, White Teeth: Medieval Dentistry

By fahrenheit

Did you know that dentistry, unlike some other fields of medicine and sciences, is at least 5000 years old?  Indeed, dental history spans countless ages, eras, and generations. The art and practice of caring for one’s teeth has been tweaked, advanced, and perfected throughout the centuries by bright and talented dentists, such as Pierre Fauchard. … Continued

Teeth and Tots: Make Brushing Fun for Kids

By fahrenheit

Most adults understand the importance of brushing their teeth. Some brush out of necessity. Others crave the feeling of having a clean mouth, while many simply brush to keep their breath from smelling bad. Regardless of motivation, many adults keep up with their daily brushing and do not need to be reminded. They understand that … Continued

Bed Bites: Improving Your Oral Health Before Bed

By fahrenheit

In order to maintain optimal oral health, you must take care of your teeth not just in the morning, but at all times of the day, especially at night before you go to bed.. Why? When you fall asleep, you are essentially letting your teeth — and whatever is on them — sit for a … Continued

Teeth Through Time: Dental History

By fahrenheit

The field of dentistry did not suddenly appear out of thin air one day. Unlike other fields of medicine and science, dentistry is thousands of years old! Throughout time, humans have constantly inspected and attempted to treat oral ailments. Of course, methods used in certain periods of dental history are not as advanced and refined … Continued

5 Bad Habits That Harm Your Teeth

By fahrenheit

Maintaining your dental health is a process influenced by all sorts of factors, such as how you brush your teeth, the state of your physical health, and what foods and drinks you consume. You may know the best toothpaste to use and which floss is right for your teeth. Promoting these positive behaviors and techniques … Continued

Brushing Your Tongue

By fahrenheit

Many Americans are excellent with brushing their teeth daily. Those with an increased awareness of their dental health consume foods and beverages great for dental health and avoid things that ruin teeth. Some even make a point to floss their teeth every day. However, many people overlook one very important thing in their daily dental routine: brushing your tongue! … Continued

3 Desserts for Your Teeth

By fahrenheit

With the hot summer months ahead, many Americans are now turning to desserts to cool off from the heat. Seasonal favorites include ice cream, frozen custard, frozen yogurt, soda floats, and fruit pops. While these might make your taste buds sing, most desserts are nothing but bad news for your teeth. Desserts contain high amounts … Continued

5 Non-Dairy Foods With High Calcium

By fahrenheit

We are all familiar with  “bad” food. Hard candy, citrus fruit, and foods high in sugar or acidity aren’t generally good for your teeth and dental health as a whole. What is “good” food, then? The short answer is calcium. When most of us think of calcium, we think of milk and other dairy products. … Continued

What To Do if Your Gums are Receding

By fahrenheit

If you are worried about the health of your jawbones and mouth, it can be frightening to see receding gums. If you see symptoms of gum recession, it is best to go to the dentist immediately as this can signal more problems in your oral health. Don’t downplay the condition by thinking that simple brushing … Continued

Keep Your White Teeth Fresh

By fahrenheit

Tooth whitening procedures are very common, and if you have undergone one or are thinking of one, you are investing in your smile. The process itself is easy and painless, and can leave you feeling refreshed and more confident. However, the effects of tooth whitening, whether professional or not, are not permanent and will fade … Continued