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Chewing Gum: Protecting Your Teeth And Keeping You Sharp!

By fahrenheit

Maybe you’ve heard it rumored that chewing gum can help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Well not only have those benefits proven true, but gum has also more recently been shown to help those who chew it focus and work more efficiently. Terms Of Study Half the participants of a study were required to chew … Continued

Drinks That Keep Your Mouth Fresh

By fahrenheit

Many people suffer from bad breath which often has a significant impact on their quality of life. People with bad breath are often insecure, very self-conscious and avoid being in social settings. Eventually mental health can start to really suffer, which can lead to depression. Bad breath can have a number of causes, but usually … Continued

Dental Nutrition: Increase The Bio-availability Of Your Diet

By fahrenheit

As we’ve discussed in previous posts the role of nutrition is integral to our dental health. Dr. Weston A. Price, a founding father in modern nutrition, studied cultures around the world in the early twentieth century. He was a dentist and curious about why the mouths of his western culture were so full of decay. … Continued

Dental Perspectives: Nutrition and Oral Health

By fahrenheit

Although the debate on proper nutrition varies from person to person and we all have our traditional foods we eat, an intensive study of how a diet affects your overall health is vital to your physical and mental development and well-being. In western society, our bodies have proven  the capacity for surviving on a diet … Continued

Surgical Treatment Options For Periodontal Disease

By fahrenheit

By brushing regularly and correctly, flossing daily and visiting a dentist for biannual cleanings you are putting yourself at very low risk for ever developing gingivitis and subsequently periodontitis. So this blog post is already irrelevant to you right?! We hope so. But if you’ve missed a couple cleanings, sometimes skip brushing before bed and … Continued

Dental Perspective: How Other Cultures Perceive Oral Hygiene

By fahrenheit

We live in a culture that esteems perfection, individualism, and autonomy. However, none of us can escape the influence of pre-existing, institutionalized authority. We are all subject to our own cultural traditions and norms. So, sometimes it can be enlightening to look at other cultures to gain a frame of reference of our own beliefs. … Continued

Dental Myth-Busting

By fahrenheit

“Don’t eat all of that chocolate or your teeth will fall out.” We have all probably heard that or something similar from our mom or dad. And there are probably other “dental myths” that you’ve heard along the way. If you have concerns about some dental myths, no fear, the myth-busting is here. Dental Myths: … Continued

Coconut Oil Craze

By fahrenheit

If you’re a health nut, you’ve probably heard of the most recent health craze: coconut oil. It’s found to have a multitude of benefits such as improving blood cholesterol, protecting hair against damage, and boosting brain function. Most recently, scientists have found that an enzyme-modified coconut oil could be used in dental care products, perhaps … Continued

Brush Twice a Day and Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s

By fahrenheit

In recent studies, British researchers have found a link between periodontal (gum) disease and Alzheimer’s disease. They discovered a bacteria linked to gum disease called porphyromonas gingivalis that travels up to the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic gum disease affects nearly 50 percent of American adults over the age of 30 and 70 … Continued

Do You Have Dental Anxiety or Dental Phobia?

By fahrenheit

No one wants to go to his dental appointment anymore than his doctor appointment. Putting off the bi-annual visit puts people at risk of gum infection, teeth pain, or even broken teeth. It is important to schedule your dental visit, but know that you are not alone if you experience dental anxiety or dental phobia. … Continued