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Dental Sealant Fact Sheet

By fahrenheit

In celebration of the back-to-school season, we’re promoting children’s oral health. Did you know that one of the best ways to protect your child against cavities is through dental sealants? To learn more about sealants, make an appointment to meet with Dr. Kari Blankenship, our new pediatric dentist, who can give you all the facts and … Continued

Shark Week: Shark Teeth Facts You May Not Know

By fahrenheit

With the Olympics wrapping up on Sunday, it’s easy to get a bit blue about this week’s television programming. What could possibly top women’s gymnastics for drama or Michael Phelps for excitement? How could we possibly get our thrills without Usain Bolt smoking everyone again… and again… and again? Thankfully, the Discovery Channel has us … Continued

Yaeba: Japan’s Crooked Smiles

By fahrenheit

Although most American teens desire straight teeth and many get braces or Invisalign to achieve aligned pearly whites, not everyone in the world thinks it’s cute. In Japan, many teenage girls are undergoing dental procedures called yaeba, or “double tooth.”  Yaeba elongates a girl’s canine teeth to give them a fang-like appearance, or some say, … Continued

Back-To-School Backpack Drawing

By fahrenheit

In celebration of Dr. Kari Blankenship’s arrival at Greenspoint Dental, we’ll be giving away backpacks filled with school supplies to school-aged patients until the end of August. Dr. Blankenship is a recent graduate of the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio. Though she graduated with a doctorate in Dental Surgery, Dr. Blankenship … Continued

Miracle Molecule May Defeat Cavities

By fahrenheit

Two researchers have apparently discovered a new miracle chemical that can keep your teeth cavity-free forever. Jose Cordoba of Yale University and Erich Astudillo of Universidad de Santiago in Chile have developed a cavity prevention chemical called “Keep 32”. The “32” refers to the number of teeth in the human mouth and the “keep” refers … Continued

Sedation Dentistry – The Chaddy Effect

By fahrenheit

You might’ve seen the video “David After Dentist” in which seven-year-old David gives a zany interview with his dad on the ride home from the dentist. It was viewed more than 112 million times on YouTube and spawned a host of parodies. Well if you enjoyed David, then you might also like Chaddy who was … Continued

Myanmar’s “Out of Asia” Molars

By fahrenheit

Four molars found in Myanmar might be changing what we think about the origins of mankind. Most researchers agree that Homo sapiens originated in Africa some 150,000 years ago and began to migrate throughout Eurasia between 55,000 and 60,000 years ago. In the east our ancestors replaced a rival form of primate known as Homo … Continued

Some Wisdom About Wisdom Teeth

By fahrenheit

We’ve all gotten our wisdom teeth removed or at least heard of someone getting their wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom teeth surgery is typically a good excuse for lazing around the house for a couple days, eating copious amounts of ice cream and popping some pleasant pain relievers. But there are a few things about wisdom teeth … Continued

Dental Spring Cleaning

By fahrenheit

So the end of spring is only a month away. Have you gotten after that spring cleaning yet? Sorted through the boxes in the attic? Dug the leaves out of the gutters? Even if real spring cleaning isn’t going so well, dental spring cleaning is an easy fix. Like houses and apartments, your teeth need … Continued

The Secret Lives of Dentists

By fahrenheit

The typical dentist leads a pretty normal lifestyle. Many dentists wake-up, go to work, come back home, eat dinner with their families, watch television, read, brush, floss and hit the sack once again. But more often than you might think, dentists lead pretty interesting lives. Here are a few notable dentists you might’ve heard of … Continued