6 Jan 2021
If you experience tooth pains either throbbing and sharp or achy and dull, it can be very difficult for you to chew, bite, get thr ...
Oral Surgery
8 Oct 2020
Do you know why wisdom teeth are called wisdom teeth? Well, it has to do with age and wisdom. According to the American Dental Ass ...
Oral Health
6 Apr 2020
Have you ever taken a sip of a cold drink and felt a sudden jolt of pain in your teeth? If so, you are not alone. According to Web ...
26 Mar 2020
Life happens, and plans change. But just because you have a sudden excuse, it doesn’t mean you should automatically cancel your ...
Dental Emergency
7 Mar 2017
Roughly 10 million wisdom teeth are extracted each year in the US. Are all those extractions really necessary? Making the decision ...
28 Jan 2016
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars people get generally in their teenage years or early twenties. When wi ...
Wisdom Teeth
2 Nov 2015
If there is one thing you need to avoid after a tooth extraction, especially wisdom teeth, is a dry socket. Not only are dry socke ...
Dental Implants
27 Apr 2015
Wisdom teeth can emerge at different times between individuals, and serve no modern-day purpose. In fact, most Americans have thei ...