Can Veneers Replace Missing Teeth?

For many people in the greater Houston area, dental veneers are an ideal way to quickly improve their smile. While veneers can cover small gaps and or misaligned teeth, there are limits to what they can hide.

Because they are fitted directly to your teeth, veneers can be used to create a straight, brilliantly white and aesthetically pleasing smile, even if you have chipped, worn down, irregularly shaped, or stained teeth, in as little as two to three office visits.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers, also called laminates or porcelain veneers, are extremely thin, yet durable shells crafted from dental grade porcelain or other materials such as Lithium Disilicates (Emax). Extremely durable, dental veneers are permanently bonded to teeth with a strong dental resin; they typically last up to a decade or more.

What to Expect When Getting Dental Veneers in Houston

Getting dental veneers starts with a detailed examination and consultation. This may include dental X-rays and or dental impressions. Once the dentist is certain that veneers are right for you, they will prepare the surface of your teeth by removing a thin layer of enamel. The amount removed is generally equal to the thickness of the veneer to be added to the surface of each tooth.

The dentist will also make an impression of each tooth so that a veneer can be precisely matched to each tooth. Once the veneers are ready, your dentist will carefully ensure the correct shade, shape, and adaptation before they are bonded to your teeth using dental cement.

Missing Teeth and Veneers

Typically speaking, dental veneers are bonded to the teeth so that they cover the six to ten upper and lower teeth that make up your smile zone. In order to use veneers, you must have teeth for the veneers to be bonded to. Additionally, veneers can hide some issues, they are a really cosmetic dental treatment that is more conservative than conventional crowns.

Many people confuse the two, but restorative dental procedures are not the same as cosmetic dental procedures. Whereas restorative dentistry focuses on the function of your teeth, cosmetic dental treatments involve smile enhancements. There is some overlap though, as many techniques can be combined to create a stunning, healthy smile.

Missing Back Teeth and Veneers

For example, if you have missing teeth, there are several treatment options your dentist can discuss with you. The specific treatments will, of course, depend on your unique needs. In some cases, your dentist may recommend a variety of restorative and/or cosmetic dental procedures which may be used in conjunction with one another to achieve your smile goals. These might include:

  • Dental Bridges: A prosthetic tooth that is anchored between two other teeth using Zirconia, an all-white crown and bridge material, or a porcelain fused to metal bridge material. There are three main kinds of dental bridges: conventional, cantilever, and Maryland. The dentist will recommend the specific kind that will best fit your particular needs.
  • Orthodontics: Orthodontics are specialized treatments used to straighten and align teeth. There are several different techniques to achieve orthodontic results, including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and clear aligners.
  • Clear Aligners: The advanced Clear aligners system (Invisalign, Clear Correct) uses a set of custom-made nearly invisible aligners to gently realign and straighten teeth over a period of months. This allows you to eat whatever you want and remove them when necessary.  
  • Dentures: Dentures are a traditional way to replace missing teeth using a dental prosthetic device, a complete or partial denture. They can be partial or complete, depending on how many teeth you need to replace.
  • Dental Implants: Artificial replacement teeth that are supported by titanium implants integrated into the jawbone. Dental implants can be done for individual teeth or as the All-On-4-Implants, which is supported by a complete arch bridge supported by four implants.
  • Inlays and onlays:  Inlays and onlays are specially made indirect restoration that is crafted outside of the mouth and then bonded to a tooth.
  • Dental crowns: A dental crown is a fabricated zirconia or porcelain cap that fits over a tooth to restore function and appearance.

Schedule a Consultation

Only a qualified dentist can determine if veneers or other dental treatment options are right for you. If you or someone you care about is interested in veneers, dental implants, or other advanced dental treatment, don’t put it off. Dental issues will not improve on their own and earlier treatment can save you many headaches down the road.  

At Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas, we understand the value of a truly beautiful smile. That’s why we offer dental veneers alongside a wide range of other quality dental services to help you look and feel your very best. If you need affordable, effective dental care, we are here to help.

We pride ourselves on our patient-centered, comfort-focused care. Please call (281) 823-9987 today or click here to contact us and or to schedule a detailed consultation. We accept many different dental insurance plans, as well as CareCredit, Lending Club, and the HELPcard.