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Personal Dental Hygiene: Taking Care of Your Teeth

9 Jul 2014

Personal dental hygiene is one of the biggest factors that affect the health of our teeth. Beyond getting professional cleaning, you also need to take care of your teeth during your personal time. That means regular brushing and flossing, a healthy diet, and regular dental check-ups. At Greenspoint Dental we offer a variety of consultation and procedural services for the needs of our clients. If you need to get a tooth taken out or simply a consult, our dental hygienists will be glad to help you.


Baby teeth vs. Permanent Teeth


In our whole lives, we only get two sets of teeth: baby or temporary teeth and permanent teeth. Temporary teeth typically fall out during childhood and get replaced with stronger, permanent teeth. It pays to take care of your teeth, especially your permanent teeth, because they don’t grow back if they fall out or get taken out. In total, a person gets 20 temporary teeth and 32 permanent teeth.

Here are some tips on keeping your teeth healthy:

  1. Understand your personal oral health.

Our teeth are important parts of the body because they help start the digestion process of food we eat. If a person has persistent oral health problems, it can affect his or her nutritional intake and even sleeping patterns. It is vital that you are sensitive to the needs of your teeth; even a tooth ache can be a sign of severe tooth decay and/or gum disease. Be aware of your diet and food preferences, medication, co-morbidities, and changes in your general health.

  1. Follow a daily oral health routine.

Most dentists advise patients to brush after every meal and as needed. Two or three times a day of regular brushing is usually enough to keep the cavities at bay. However, dental hygiene doesn’t have to follow a specific number of brushes and flosses. Make a routine that is best for you – it can be brushing twice a day or even four times a day if that’s what you think is best for your teeth. Consulting with your dentist about the right routine for you is a great way to get started.

  1. Fluoride!

Fluoride is a mineral that helps strengthen teeth. It can be found in most toothpastes and even drinking water. When you have softer teeth, it makes you more prone to tooth decay. Having an increase in fluoride use can help harden you teeth and prevent oral problems. For people with severe fluoride deficiency in their diet, the dentist may prescribe fluoride supplements.

  1. Have a balanced diet.

Limit eating sugary or sweet food, especially if you have a preference for snacking. When food particles build up on the teeth, they can form plaque which is home to enamel-destroying bacteria. Sugar doesn’t directly cause decay but the bacteria that feed on it do. When sugar is eaten by bacteria, the bacteria produces acid that breakdown the enamel that coats our teeth. Without its enamel covering, the tooth becomes at greater risk for decay.


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