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Why You Should Be Flossing

1 Apr 2015

Most dentists preach the benefits of flossing, but seldom do patients really understand why flossing is so important. While brushing your teeth is of the utmost importance, there is much to be said about the benefits of flossing and the risks of not doing so.

Preventing Gum Disease

Gum disease is nasty and can lead to loss of teeth and gum spacing issues. However, flossing can get rid of food particles trapped between the teeth that often cause a buildup of bacteria. When the bacteria attack these food particles plaque can form which can inflame the teeth. Not only is gum disease painful and can lead to redness and bleeding but it can be harmful to your permanent structure. Flossing reaches the hard to reach areas.

Whitening Your Smile

Flossing can help remove the food particles that will stain your teeth over time and can improve the quality of your smile alongside brushing your teeth.

Equally Important as Tooth Brushing

Many people believe brushing the teeth is the only necessary step to combat gum disease, but by combining brushing wit flossing you can reach areas that toothbrushes can only dream of. These are the hard spots where plaque and tartar buildup so consider flossing so these vulnerable areas are not taken advantage of.

Keeping the Body Healthy

Studies have linked good dental hygiene with a healthier body and less disease. If you let food particles attract bacteria you increase your rate of serious conditions and diseases like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and respiratory problems.

Avoiding Bad Breath

Bad breath is usually caused by food particles stuck in the teeth. Rid yourself of this unseemly problem by flossing them out.

Here are some tips on the proper way to floss your teeth:

  • Follow the proper form. Use a piece of floss that is about 15 to 18 inches long. Slide it in between teeth, and then wrap it around the tooth. Once wrapped, move it up and down as you follow the curves of the tooth.
  • Your gums may bleed. If they do, then it means that they are swollen due to plaque formation and would need to be immediately cleaned. If after two weeks of brushing and flossing, your gums still bleed, then it is best to see your dentist to have it cleaned professionally.
  • Floss before bedtime. This is the most ideal time to floss your teeth as it removes all food particles and buildup from the day.

Contact our office today if you have additional dental concerns or have pain when flossing. Flossing should not be a difficult task and can be enjoyable once you develop a routine.

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