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Celebrate the End of the World in Style

20 Dec 2012

We would wish you a Happy Holidays, but it doesn’t look like we’re going to get that far. As you may know, the centuries-old Mayan calendar has been calculated to end this Friday and many are predicting doomsday.

While the end of the human race and the destruction of the planet might be an occasion for grief, there is another option out there for people who want to keep things upbeat.

The Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS) is throwing a “Save the Last Date” party on Friday evening from 8pm to whenever the world ends. A $20 ticket (not sure what good $20 will be to the HMNS at the end of time) will buy you entrance to the museum, admission to the special exhibit Maya 2012: Prophecy Becomes History and admission to a viewing of Maya Prophecies in the planetarium. In addition, there will be a traditional Mayan dance performed by DANZA CHIKAWA and a countdown to midnight.

The event is 21 years and up, so leave the kids at the bunker for the evening and dress up like there’s no tomorrow.

We should also point out that there is a chance this event won’t actually happen. Many scholars have predicted that the Mayan calendar doesn’t end at midnight on December 22, but around 6 AM on December, 21. Consult your local fiery skies and cracks in the surface of the planet for more details.

On the off-chance that the world doesn’t end this Friday, we hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your time off from work and school. And to go ahead and schedule a 2013 dental appointment, contact Greenspoint Dental today.

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