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Study Shows Tooth Enamel is BPA’s Next Victim

26 Jun 2013

Bisphenol A, BPA, a chemical compound used in the composition of plastics, has been shown to affect reproduction, metabolism and development in laboratory animals- and teeth are its next casualty.

A research team led by Ariane Berdal of the Université Paris-Diderot and Sylvie Babajko, Research Director at Inserm Unit 872 “Centre des Cordeliers,” found in a study that rats whose incisors were treated with low daily doses of BPA had increased enamel damage.

BPA is used to manufacture food containers like bottles and baby bottles, and can also be found in protective films inside drink cans and food tins. Baby bottles containing BPA were prohibited in Europe in 2011.

The effect found on the rat’s incisors were similar to tooth enamel pathology known as MIH (Molar Incisor Hypomineralisation), which affects first molars and permanent incisors. Roughly 18% of children ages 6-8 show signs of MIH. The period in which MIH forms is also the period in which humans are most sensitive to BPA.

The study shows a possible correlation between early BPA exposure and tooth damage.

Other harmful suspects for teeth that may cause decay or damage include:

  • Cigarettes
  • Beverages that Stain (coffee, red wine)
  • Chewing Ice
  • Hard Candy
  • Citrus and Acid (citrus fruits, sodas)

To prevent tooth decay, stay updated with harmful chemicals that may be in your home that are known to cause harm to teeth, and brush and floss daily to keep up good oral health.

If you’ve suffered severe tooth decay or just need a check-up, Greenspoint Dental is here to make your smile brighter. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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