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Dentist’s Dog Comforts Nervous Patients

19 Dec 2012

A dentist in Williamsville, N.Y. has developed a creative way to keep his younger patients calm during their procedures. Every Thursday, Dr. Paul Weiss brings his golden retriever Brooke into the office as a “therapy dog” to alleviate nerves and provide a little fun for patients.

The distinction “therapy dog” doesn’t just mean that Brooke is nice (though that’s pretty much a given). She’s also apparently passed a half-day certification test from Therapy Dogs International. According to their site, therapy dogs like Brooke can help patients “ease tensions, lower blood pressures and increase positive attitudes.”

Weiss describes Brooke as a gentle and friendly dog, who loves to be petted. He says that she usually sits next to the dental chair where patients can keep a hand on her. As evidenced by this adorable photo, however, she’s also willing to get a bit closer.

Of course not all children would enjoy having a dog around during a dental appointment. Dr. Weiss says Brooke is only called into action on special occasions. And whenever she’s left the room, he adds, the dental office is giving a good, thorough cleaning.

Here at Greenspoint Dental we may not be quite ready to bring a therapy dog onto our staff, but we do offer sedation dentistry which can calm nervous patients during procedures. Contact us today for more info or to schedule an appointment.

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