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Restore Your Teeth after Holiday Treats

27 Nov 2015

It’s okay. You can admit it. Three pieces of apple pie was completely necessary yesterday and there was just nothing you could do about it. At least there was fruit in it, right? Greenspoint Dental understands that there is no avoiding the sugary goodness that comes with a great holiday surrounded by friends and family. You weren’t worried about calories or sugar in-take, and that’s okay. But now, it’s time to do some quick time traveling to save your teeth from total decay. Sugar is one of the hardest things on your teeth and speeds up the decay process. Here are a few ways to combat your Thanksgiving indulgence and save your teeth before the decay takes over.


Invest in a Waterpik


‘Tis the season for great deals on just about anything, including dental care assistance. If you’re a Black Friday fan, you can find a waterpik at any Walgreens or Target for a discounted price. These tools help get in those tough to reach places. Your gums are probably very sensitive from the sugar overload, so use a waterpik for the next few weeks in place of floss to avoid bleeding while still giving your teeth the cleaning they need.


Cut Back on Sugars


To counteract the large amount of sweet intake during the holidays, try to cut down on the off weeks. Trade in a sugary energy bar for an apple this week. Drink a water instead of your usual coffee or tea. Making small changes to your diet will savor your teeth and allow enamel to grow back stronger without having to fight off more bacteria and decay.


Keep a Regular Oral Health Routine

For some reason, it seems like time speeds up during the holiday season. All of a sudden Thanksgiving is over and everywhere you look there are giant Santa Clauses in the yard and fake snow in every store window. No matter how rushed you are for time, there is always two minutes twice a day that should be dedicated to brushing and flossing (or waterpik). It is imperative to keep your mouth fresh of bacteria at the start of every day to give your teeth a chance to survive the candy craze.

Visit the Dentist


It’s never a bad idea to get a check up during the holiday season. Your dentists can detect cavities early on and keep a close eye on them or even seal them to prevent the holiday cheer from making it worse. Between the sweets and the holiday drinks, your teeth are sure to have some damage and taking preventative measures is never a bad idea.


If you are ready to get your teeth cleaned and checked on to prevent holiday tooth damage, contact Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas to set up an appointment today. Keep your mouth squeaky clean for the holidays.

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