Common Oral Problems and Easy Solutions
27 Jul 2014
Our mouth literally harbors numerous microorganisms. These microbes are called normal flora and is always expected to be present in the mouth of health normal beings. Unless they multiply into a certain amount, they will remain dormant and will not be able to cause infection. Say for example, the pH on the mouth drops or increases, or the temperature escalates or declines, or there is a breakage in the oral mucosa, or the absence of oxygen (morning breath: it is caused by the growth of anaerobic bacteria in the mouth attributed by the closed mouth while sleeping) this is the time that these opportunistic bacteria will thrive and cause infection.
Bad Breath
The leading problem and most complained condition of the mouth. Bad breath or halitosis can be related to numerous other problems. First, the type of food you eat, like onions, garlic, curries; naturally causes the breath to smell offending. Nevertheless, this is normal and brushing or rinsing the mouth is a sure fire way to address this.
Tooth Decay
Aside from the food, dental carries (tooth decay) is the most common cause of bad breath. A competent dentist can simply address this by extracting the rotten tooth or, if a small section is involved, your dentist can scrape of the damaged part and fill it with amalgam or composite filling.
This is a condition wherein the gum swells and bleeds. This is a common result of poor dental hygiene. Symptoms may also include bright red or purple color of the gums, painful to touch and halitosis or bad breath. Removal of plaques, as to be performed by a dentist, and practicing good oral maintenance aids in the quick recovery from this disease.
Mouth Sores
Pesky mouth sores can be frequent if no good oral hygiene is practiced. This can vary from tolerable small sores painful sores especially those located on the inside of the cheeks and tongue that can be amplified when eating. Unless the pain is troublesome, you should be okay as long as it doesn’t last more than a few weeks. Cleansing the mouth before sleeping (during sleep, when the mouth is closed, bacterial infection doubles its growth arresting your recovery) greatly helps in rapid healing. If in case the sore is extensive and the pain is unbearable, have a dentist take a look for treatment.
Tooth Too Sensitive
Sensitive teeth are not a new topic in dentistry. This may be triggered when eating cold desserts, hot beverages, sour and/or sweet food. There is a simple solution for this. Some toothpaste brands are specially formulated to reduce tooth sensitivity. If in case this does not work for you, your dentist can perform desensitization at his clinic. In cases where sensitivity causes pain, you dentist might recommend a procedure called root canal.
Whatever oral health problem you might encounter, paying the dentist a visit is the best solution. Regular visits to the dentist and watching oral hygiene can lessen the chances of having annoying mouth problems.
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