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Halloween Costumes Every Dentist Would Love

29 Oct 2013

Whether you just like to dress up in fun costumes or celebrate the fall festivities, Halloween can be a fun holiday for all. Even though Halloween is centered around scary costumes and candy, you can make Halloween a fun learning experience about oral hygiene and still have a creative costume without looking scary.


Whether you’re a dentist, parent, or young child, dressing up as a tooth is a great costume idea. You can talk about what we need our teeth for and why they are important to take care of. This is also a great time to discuss how candy can affect our teeth and what it does to our teeth if we eat too much.

Tube of Toothpaste

Dressing up as a giant tube of toothpaste is a great way to introduce the topic of oral hygiene and what tools we need to take care of our smiles. Not only will it be a great way to discuss the impact toothpaste, floss, and brushing has on our teeth but it will also be a reminder for everybody to make sure to clean their teeth when they get home.


Dressing up as a dentist is a great costume idea that introduces positive community role models. This is a great teaching moment to talk about what a dentist does and why they are necessary for the health our teeth and smile.

tooth fairy ideas for kids, ideas for being the tooth fairyTooth Fairy

If you want a fun, creative costume idea you can always be the tooth fairy. It’s a great way to discuss the inevitable event that happens in every child’s life when a tooth falls out. This is also a great costume idea for anybody that is particularly fond of glitter and wands.

Even if you aren’t celebrating Halloween, dressing up in fun costumes to talk about oral hygiene and the health of our teeth is a great way to get kids interested in their smiles. If you have any dental questions or need to schedule a dentist appointment contact Greenspoint Dental. We’d love to hear from you!

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