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Dental Surgery: Best Post-Procedure Foods

25 Apr 2016

Whether you just underwent a root canal or are donning a new set of braces, it’s important to know which foods to eat to protect your teeth and promote healing.


Here are the best (and worst) foods to eat after common types of dental surgeries and procedures.


Root Canals

The best foods to eat after a root canal are soft foods. Crunchy and chewy foods are bad choices; they could harm your temporary filling or cause pain.


Also, extremely hot foods can increase your sensitivity, resulting in unnecessary pain.


Here are some good options:

  • Soft fruits (bananas, pears, and peaches)
  • Fruit smoothies and ice cream (without crunchy or chewy toppings)
  • Soup and oatmeal (let these foods cool before you eat them)
  • Applesauce and pudding
  • Eggs (including omelets, as long as they contain no crunchy or chewy ingredients)
  • Mashed Potatoes



The worst foods to eat with braces are chewy foods because they can get lodged into hard-to-reach places. If food particles aren’t cleaned away, tooth decay can result.


Dentist examiing metal braces in teenage girl's mouth with scraper and mirror


For braces, especially during the first few days, opt for these kinds of foods:

  • Tender meats (chicken, turkey, pork, and fish)
  • Soups and chilis
  • Pasta
  • Soft fruits (grapes, oranges, bananas, pears, and peaches)
  • Steamed vegetables
  • Steamed rice
  • Soft cooked beans
  • Eggs (cooked any way, including omelets)
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Soft, crustless bread
  • Smoothies and milkshakes
  • Ice cream (without crunchy or chewy toppings)


Wisdom Teeth/Tooth Extraction

Your main goal after having a tooth or teeth removed is to protect the wounds so they can heal as quickly as possible. Choose foods that require the least amount of chewing possible, especially during the first week after surgery.


Avoid eating foods that can get lodged in the holes where your teeth have been removed. After your teeth are extracted, blood clots form that help heal the wounds. If you use a straw, the sucking action can remove the clots and lengthen your healing time, also putting you at risk for dry sockets.


Here are the foods you should choose after having teeth removed:

  • Jell-O, pudding, or applesauce
  • Smoothies, milkshakes, and ice cream (Using only a spoon, not a straw)
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soups (smooth, no chunks of meat or vegetables)
  • Pasta (if the pasta is too chewy, cook it longer to make it softer)
  • Yogurt
  • Soft cooked beans
  • Tender meats (chicken, turkey, pork, and fish)


Dental Crowns

A dental crown requires two appointments: the first to file down your tooth and take an impression for the crown, and the second to actually cement the crown in place. In between the two appointments, you will be given a temporary crown.


Avoid eating crunchy and chewy foods when you have the temporary crown because these kinds of food could damage the crown. During the first week after the permanent crown is cemented to your tooth, you may want to opt for a soft-food diet.


However, once any pain and tenderness have gone away (give yourself at least 24 hours), you are free to eat and care for your teeth as normal.
Man with beautiful teeth smiling at camera holding a green apple with a chunk already eaten

For more information or to schedule a dental appointment, contact Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas. We are dedicated to providing you and your loved ones with the best dental care.

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