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What to Expect from A Professional Teeth Cleaning

25 Jul 2022

Let’s face it: a lot of people dread going to the dentist. Maybe you’ve never been and have heard horror stories of uncomfortable chairs and unfamiliar tools with scary sounds. Or maybe you had a bad experience. By telling you what to expect, we hope to reassure you: the process is not to be feared. In most cases, it is quick, affordable, and painless.

What are the Benefits of Professional Teeth Cleaning?

We all know how important it is to take care of your teeth in your everyday routine. You’ve heard the golden rules: Floss after eating, brush your teeth twice a day, and avoid obscene amounts of candy. But even the most rigid of oral routines can miss spots or overbrush–and no one can see every angle of their mouth. It’s vital for you and your child to visit the dentist at least every six months for a professional cleaning.

Having your teeth professionally cleaned is one of the most important steps to ensuring longterm dental health. There are many reasons why regular teeth cleanings are important:

  • Professional teeth cleanings help to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.
  • Cleaning help to improve the overall look of teeth by removing stains and discoloration. 
  • During professional teeth cleanings the dental hygienist, or dentist can find and treat possible cavities or other oral problems. 

Unfortunately, patients don’t take the time to thoroughly practice proper dental hygiene at home. This can lead to issues that can become dangerous if left untreated.  Luckily, professional teeth cleanings are an easy way to alleviate any worry surrounding your child’s or your teeth.

What happens during a Teeth Cleaning?

Teeth cleanings are typically performed by a dental hygienist, professionals trained to examine and clean mouths. They usually start by using a small mirror to examine different areas of your mouth. Then using a dental tool called a scalar, they scrape existing tartar from individual teeth.

After plaque and tartar are removed, the hygienist will brush and polish teeth thoroughly using an electric toothbrush and anti-cavity fluoride treatment. They then floss your teeth, ensuring no remnants of food or plaque linger.

After the hygienist is finished with the teeth cleaning process, the dentist will typically come in and examine your mouth to determine if further treatments are required. And that’s it. Pretty simple, right?

A masked and gloved dental professional using PPE and universal precautions conducts a routine dental cleaning in Houston, TX

How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned?

Dental professionals typically recommend adults and children have dental checkups every six months. Make sure to schedule yours or your child’s next appointment after each dental check up, while you are still at the dentist’s office. We all know it’s easy to forget to schedule routine check ups while balancing a busy schedule, and last-minute appointments are not always available.

It’s important to prepare for and schedule dental appointments for the upcoming school year early. Once the school year begins, schedules quickly fill.  Prevent painful and time-consuming problems before they arise by seeing your dentist in the slower, summer months.


Different Types of Teeth Cleanings

Most people think there is only one type of professional teeth cleaning, but with highly-trained dental experts and advancements in the field, there are a variety of different types of dental cleaning available. The type needed depends on the patient’s dental history and individual needs.

  1. Normal, Routine Cleaning- This is the type of teeth cleaning most dental patients receive; a routine cleaning to remove small amounts of buildup on the teeth.
  2. Debridement Cleaning- This type of teeth cleaning is for patients who have not visited a dentist in over a year; if a patient has heavy deposits of plaque and tartar.
  3. Routine, Periodontal Cleaning- This type of teeth cleaning is reserved for patients who have been diagnosed with periodontitis or gingivitis. You also may receive a periodontal cleaning based on your mouth’s overall structure. Some patients are at a higher level of risk and need special care. 

Making the Most of Your Appointment

So, you’ve finally booked your appointment. Now you want to make sure you get the most out of your professional teeth cleaning. During your appointment, make sure to ask any questions that come up, whether it be proper brushing techniques, preferred food choices for you or your child, or recommendations for dental products. Your dentist and hygienist are there to help. 

Remember: regular, professional dental cleanings are part of any normal health routine. Greenspoint Dentistry in Houston, Texas provides truly exceptional and quality dental care. Ensure you and your child remain healthy this upcoming school year and book your appointment now! If you have any additional questions about dental health and oral care, you can check out our dental blog or our teeth cleaning services at your convenience. Happy Brushing!

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