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Don’t Spread Cavities This Season

8 Apr 2015

Everyone knows that cavities are bad… but do you know how to avoid getting one? While you may assume that sugary foods are the leading cause of this tooth disorder, the problem may also be spread on my family members and friends. The bacteria in your mouth clings to leftover particles and can produce acid as a result. This mix (especially including saliva) can trigger a plaque buildup and lead to cavities. The bacteria that causes these cavities is where you should worry.

The bacteria can be spread mouth to mouth through shared food and utensils, sneezing, and kissing. If you are already at risk for cavities, this could exacerbate your condition and lead to a plaque buildup. No matter what you eat, plaque won’t build unless you have the presence of these bacterias.

Tooth decay is one of the most common infectious oral diseases. Researchers say that many infants are at risk for cavity-causing bacterias, especially because of their weakened immune systems. They may get these bacterias from their mothers. Pregnant women are also more likely to have bacterial infections in the mouth.

While you don’t need to be overly worried about sharing food with people or kissing, it is good to know whether or not someone has good oral hygiene. Most adults have enough immunity built up to protect them from the germs that cause cavities. To prevent cavities from being spread around your home, make sure to go to the dentist. Many people skip their annual visit which could mean passing up the opportunity to diagnose a cavity. Warning signs like pain, sensitivity, redness, bleeding, and visible holes should be reported. Even if you can’t see the signs, however, you could have bacteria lurking under the surface.

Be sure to have good oral hygiene practices such as flossing and brushing your teeth twice a day. Without these precautions you run the risk of letting bacteria fester in your mouth and create a breeding ground that can be spread to those you love. Call our office if you have additional questions about cavities or want to learn the best treatment methods.

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