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Top Causes of Dental Injuries

12 Sep 2014


Dental emergencies and injuries are not at all uncommon thanks to the easily forgettable hazards to your teeth. It’s impossible to predict a dental emergency and in some respects nearly impossible. Here are some of the most common causes of dental emergencies that may be reason to contact our office immediately or visit the emergency room.

Sports Injuries. There’s a reason that sports require all kinds of waivers and agreements before athletes can play. They’re fun to participate in, but sports can be a danger to your body. With balls, bats, and even other players moving quickly around on the field or court, it doesn’t take a lot to cause an injury. Protect yourself while playing any sport by wearing the right protective gear, and be prepared for the unexpected. A hard tackle, a foul ball, or even an elbow can knock a tooth out or cause it to become loose. If you do have tooth that comes out, put it in milk and bring it to the dentist ASAP. If the tooth is chipped, bring the piece in to the dentist’s office as well. Do not delay as you decrease your chances of being able to heal the injury with no cosmetic side effects.

Injuries at Home. Even the most cautious people are at risk for slipping and falling and eventually hurting themselves. You can protects against this risk by cleaning carefully and making sure that there are no errant liquids or improperly stored items that may cause you or a member of your household to fall. However, if you fall and lose a tooth you can also make sure to store it in milk, as suggested above, and go to the dentist immediately. If a tooth is moved out of position, reposition the tooth and contact our offices.

Poor Oral Hygiene. This is less of an emergency and more of an ongoing situation that is definitely preventable. Brushing and flossing regularly can help prevent any plaque buildups that lead to gum disease and tooth loss. If you do not brush or floss regularly using the right technique you are leaving your mouth open to disease. If you have severe pain, redness, bleeding, or otherwise notice signs that your teeth are suffering, contact your dentist immediately. He or she can perform an emergency dental procedure to remove the source of illness.

Injuries While Eating. Hard foods are the worst for teeth that are prone to becoming loose with repeated stress. If you bite into something hard and experience pain that does not go away, you may have a dental emergency that will require assistance as soon as possible. Also, if a cap or filling comes loose you may be dealing with a situation requiring refilling and rebonding to remove the pain.

While it is impossible as we said earlier to keep yourself completely protected from dental emergencies, taking the right steps to protect your teeth with flossing and brushing is essential. Also avoid acting silly and creating a situation for you to break a tooth. Call our office immediately if you have a dental emergency or want to learn other ways to protect yourself.

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