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Finding the Right Toothbrush

26 Jan 2012

When you walk down the toothbrush aisle of a drugstore, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of toothbrushes available. But are they all equally effective?

The first way to narrow down your toothbrush selection is to look for the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Approval. The ADA Seal ensures the brush will hold up under normal usage and that the design is known to effectively remove early plaque buildups.

Next, you should make sure to find a toothbrush with soft bristles. Brushing vigorously with hard-bristles may actually harm sensitive gums and strip away enamel. You should also look for a small toothbrush head— preferably close to one-inch long and a half-inch wide. The smaller the toothbrush head, the easier it will be to clean hard-to-reach spots in your mouth.

Recently, electric toothbrushes have been gaining popularity. However, a review of nearly 30 studies showed that most power toothbrushes are no more effective than the traditional, disposable toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes can be great alternatives for individuals who suffer from limited mobility and can’t operate a manual toothbrush. But for most people, regular brushing with a normal toothbrush will suffice.

Most importantly, however, your toothbrush should be one that you feel comfortable using. The better you feel about brushing your teeth, the more likely you are to brush on a regular basis.

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