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Greenspoint’s Top 5 Blog Posts of 2011

29 Dec 2011

This past year has been a great one for all of us at Greenspoint Dental, and we hope 2012 is even better. We would like to wish all of our readers a happy new year!

To kick off the new year, we would like to take a glance back at some of our most successful blog posts of 2011. If you are new to our blog, or have missed some of our posts, here are five great places to begin:

5. Wisdom Teeth: To Pull or Not to Pull?
Published on: November 3

Although having wisdom teeth pulled has a reputation for being painful, new technology has made the extraction a much easier procedure than it once was. For many, the procedure helps eliminate the constant pain associated with misaligned wisdom teeth.

4. Top Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Teeth
Published on: October 31

Although many people are aware of the benefits fruits and vegetables have on their bodies and immune systems, many are unaware of the benefits to their smile.

3. The Secret Behind Celebrity Smiles: Veneers
Published on: October 20

Veneers may be the perfect solution for crooked, dull, or stained teeth. Once thought of as a procedure for celebrities and the wealthy, veneers are now more affordable than ever.

2. What to Eat and Drink After Oral Surgery
Published on: November 10

Although soreness and nausea after an oral surgery may discourage patients from eating, food provides your body the nourishment that it needs during the recovery process.

1. Is Chewing Gum Good for Your Teeth?
Published on: October 3

Our top post of 2011 addressed the debate about whether chewing gum is good, or bad for your teeth. Do you frequently chew gum? If so, do you know the answer?

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