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Give the Gift of Oral Health

16 Dec 2015

During the holidays, it seems we all have a never ending list of errands to run and obligations to attend. Between pleasing the ones we love and attending those work engagements, it’s hard to think about our personal health and needs during this time.   Unfortunately, our oral health is most commonly an afterthought as the holiday season comes to a close and we realize how much sugar we have actually consumed over the course of the last month and a half.   The best way to make sure our teeth stay clean and protected against plaque build up and deterioration is to help each other out. If you can’t help but think about what your loved ones need this holiday, get them a cleaning package from the dentist. Having good oral health will have a significant effect on your loved one’s overall health and daily satisfaction.   Sending your family to the dentist may not seem like the most heart felt gift, so make it personal and build your own cleaning kit. Here are a few ideas to add to your family’s homemade oral health, dental packages this year.  

Electronic Toothbrush

  To combat the everlasting hatred of brushing before bed, get your kids an electronic toothbrush. Many studies say they have no significant oral health benefits over manual toothbrushes, but if it gets your kids to actually brush, it is significantly better than the alternative.  

Flavored Toothpaste

  No matter your age, having flavored toothpaste makes cleaning and prevention a better experience. Get a peppermint flavor for the holidays or bubblegum to curb that sweet tooth.  

Teeth Whitening Kit

  There are plenty of over-the-counter and dentist administered types of teeth whitening procedures. Whether your family just needs a couple of shades whiter or you think they need custom fit whitening trays, you can easily find ways to get them into the clean teeth spirit.

Family Dentist Visit

  Add an appointment sticker to their oral health basket. After the holidays are over, your family will likely all need a checkup to make sure Santa’s cookies didn’t turn into cavities. If visiting the dentist is not an annual or bi-annual occurrence for your family, you may want to use the holiday season as an excuse to start actively taking care of your oral health.   Cleaning and prevention is not as difficult or time consuming as you think. Give your family the gift of clean teeth this season by encouraging them to take a different approach to oral health. If you need some ideas for the best types of dental stocking stuffers or want to set up a family visit to the dentist, contact Greenspoint Dental in Houston, Texas.

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