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How Do I Get My Kid to Brush His Teeth?

14 Oct 2013

It’s important to have a good oral hygiene routine to prevent cavities and gum disease. This is the same reason why kids should also be brushing their teeth regularly. Children should begin cleaning their teeth as soon as they get them. This will usually involve the help of a parent until they are old enough to do it on their own. Even though you want to establish good oral hygiene for your children it can be hard especially if they are against it. Here are some tips to help you get your kids brushing their teeth and interested in oral hygiene.

Make it fun

kids brushing their teeth, parents assisting child with tooth brushingIf your child has a minor panic attack and runs from the idea of brushing his teeth then it is time to bring out some special forces. Take your child to the store and let him or her pick out whichever toothbrush they want. Remember to get one small enough for them to hold with soft bristles. Make the idea of brushing their teeth fun. You can get a toothbrush that sings for the recommended two minutes it takes to brush or one that lights up.

Stick to a routine

Instead of randomly urging your kid to brush, implement it in their bedtime and morning routine. Just like taking a shower and putting on pajamas make brushing their teeth a normal everyday activity.

Set the example

You are the parent so you need to set a good example for your kid to follow. Brush with them and show them how it’s done. Not only can this be a good bonding time for you and your child but it will also allow you to show off good habits that you want them to imitate like flossing.

If you or your child needs a dental check up or cleaning, contact Greenspoint Dental. We have everything you need to get a great smile.

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