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The Link between Green Tea, Cranberry Juice and Your Oral Health

12 Jun 2014

Many studies show that drinking cranberry juice and green tea are essential to excellent oral health. This article looks at the facts and will help you consider if it is indeed true.

First things first: Saliva

A strong set of teeth contains a lot of minerals, but these minerals decrease as we eat and drink. However, saliva works by protecting the teeth from being weak, as it replaces any lost minerals back in the enamel. Saliva contains the same minerals that are needed to replenish these minerals, while keeping the teeth strong at the same time. The minerals in saliva enter the tooth as soon as they are in contact and travel inside to reach areas that need to be repaired. The repairing process takes about 30 minutes to complete, and will only occur in alkaline (non-acidic conditions). Hence, you will often hear about how dry and acidic mouths are easy targets for tooth decay.

Drinking beverages

When you sip a drink, this repairing process is disrupted, which is why drinks (especially the ones that are acidic) are rather problematic for teeth. Think of it as another attack that your teeth endure even before saliva can come and replace the lost minerals. Even water can disrupt the process as it dilutes saliva and therefore makes it less effective for the repair.

About Biofilm

Biofilm is the covering that helps protect your tooth enamel from abrasion and damage. The conditions in your mouth will influence the kind of biofilm that will cover your teeth, and an acidic environment will make this biofilm dangerous for your enamel – as it will end up hurting your teeth more instead of protecting it.

What Green Tea and Cranberry Juice does to promote Oral Health

Here are some findings from different studies related to how the two beverages help oral health:

  • Green tea contains natural substances that are known to offer excellent health benefits
  • Green tea is a source of antioxidants, which can help fight inflammation – especially the ones caused by smoking
  • Green tea can be a considerable source of fluoride, which is also known to help protect teeth from decay
  • Green tea contains enzymes, lipids, amino acids, and other minerals that can also help repair teeth
  • Green tea may help in the removal of harmful biotin from the teeth and can also lessen the risk of tooth loss
  • Green tea, according to a 2009 study, has also been linked to less gum diseases
  • Cranberries have the ability to inhibit the presence of virus such as Streptococcus mutans that cause tooth decay
  • Cranberry extract has a positive effect on oral biofilm
  • Cranberry pigments are reported to have anti-adhesion, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  • If you have dental concerns that you would like to be checked and addressed, Greenspoint Dental is here to help you bring back the confidence in your smile. Contact us to schedule an appointment and we will work with you as soon as possible.

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