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How to Prevent Dry Sockets

9 May 2012

After wisdom tooth extraction and other tooth removal procedures, proper healing is essential. After extraction, a blood clot forms in the cavity where the tooth was and is soon replaced by gum tissue. However, complications can arise if the blood clot is loosened prematurely, exposing part of the jawbone and the nerves around it.

This complication is called a “dry socket,” or alveolar osteitis. Dry sockets can be very painful, so if you’re still experiencing a significant amount of pain several days after your tooth extraction, you may want to visit your dentist.

You can also look at the socket in the mirror; if you see bone and no blood clot, you probably have a dry socket. Luckily, dry sockets are easily treatable with painkillers and a special medicated gel to promote healing.

Less than 5% of patients develop dry sockets. Though sometimes blood clots simply dislodge on their own, suction is often the cause of dry sockets.

After tooth extraction, avoid smoking, drinking through straws, and spitting excessively. If you believe you have a dry socket or another tooth extraction complication, contact Greenspoint Dental today.

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