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Is LANAP Covered By Insurance?

15 Aug 2023

LANAP surgery is an FDA-approved non-invasive procedure used for the treatment of medium to severe periodontitis. LANAP was designed with state-of-the-art technology to restore and regenerate your gums.

How does lanap work?

This gum regrowth treatment uses laser pulse variations to remove diseased gum tissue and stimulate the regrowth of both the gums and the bones while encouraging gum reattachment. 

LANAP’s specialized lasers only target diseased tissue, and ensure the preservation of any remaining healthy gum tissue. In other words, LANAP heals gum disease and fosters a healthy oral environment where it’s unlikely to resurface. LANAP recovery and aftercare is also shorter and less painful than traditional gum surgery.

dentist and patient smiling while patient recieves care

What is periodontitis?

Periodontitis, or periodontal disease, in simple terms, is gum disease. While this disease is common in the U.S., it often goes untreated. If left for too long, it can have harmful side effects. 

Gum disease is related to a number of severe health problems and left untreated can be detrimental to your overall health and wellness. 

Scientific evidence supports relationships between gum disease and decreased cognitive function and increased risk of heart disease, cancer, chronic inflammation, and diabetes. 

Signs of gum disease typically include:

  • Pain with chewing

  • Receding gum lines

  • Loose teeth

  • Light bleeding

  • Bad breath

In most instances, prioritizing dental hygiene and routine dental care will keep one from developing advanced periodontitis. Brushing and flossing all areas of your mouth are key to keeping your gums healthy. Some patients have irreparable damage to their gums that must be remedied by gum surgery.  

Luckily, numerous periodontitis treatment options are available, and our dental professionals at Greenspoint Dental can outline a plan for healing your gums.

closeup model of teeth and jaw

How much does LANAP cost?

Because LANAP is such an innovative procedure, many patients assume it comes with a hefty price tag, however, LANAP costs roughly the same as traditional gum surgery. 

Depending on your dentist, location, and the extent of your gum disease, it typically costs between $1,500-$3,500 per quadrant, and between 4,000 – 15000 for full mouth surgery. At Greenspoint Dental, we recognize the significance of this investment and offer personalized payment plans for our patients.

Is lanap covered by insurance?

Because LANAP is a medical treatment, in most instances, it is covered by insurance. In some cases, patients get LANAP for cosmetic reasons to reduce gum size, change gum appearance, etc.

In these occurrences, it may not be covered by insurance. Consult your insurance company to understand your specific coverage case. 

female dentist smiling at camera with clipboard

Schedule a Consultation

If you have issues with gum disease or unsightly gum loss, our dental professionals at Greenspoint in Houston are here to help. From the consultation to the actual procedure, we are here to help you better understand and diagnose your dental needs. Visit our dental blog to learn more about the LANAP procedure, recovery times, and aftercare best practices. 

We are excited to offer the most cutting-edge gum and bone regeneration technique yet! With laser-assisted new attachment procedure or LANAP, you can get the smile of your dreams, without the lengthy recovery times required by traditional treatments.

Dr.Bosse has been practicing high-quality dental care since 1997. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get any and all of your questions answered!

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