Root Canal Recovery Tips
13 May 2013
Most people cringe a little bit when they hear the word “root canal.” In truth though, a root canal procedure usually causes minimal discomfort and is enormously beneficial for patients suffering from tooth decay.
During the procedure your dentist will remove the infected or inflamed tissue and seal off the tooth. Afterwards the tooth may feel sensitive and sore for a few days. Usually any pain can be treated with an over-the-counter pain medication such as Advil or Aleve. You may also try eating soft foods for the first day or so. Get as much rest as possible, as this usually assists in the healing process.
In some cases, your dentist may choose to seal off the tooth temporarily and ask you come in a few days later for a permanent filling or crown. Avoid chewing with a tooth that has a temporary filling, as applying too much pressure may cause the filling to chip or break off.
After a root canal, you should continue to practice proper oral hygiene. This means brushing two minutes a day, twice a day, and flossing daily.
To learn more about root canal procedures or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Bossé, contact Greenspoint Dental today.
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