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How to Treat Sleep Apnea

By fahrenheit

Did you know that dentists can play a key role in managing sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a disorder that interrupts breathing during sleep, potentially leading to serious health risks. While CPAP machines and surgeries are common treatments, dental solutions like oral appliances and laser therapies are effective and less invasive alternatives. Sleep apnea occurs … Continued

5 Reasons Summer is The Perfect Time For Braces

By fahrenheit

School is out and summer is finally in full swing! While summer is the perfect time for pool parties, sizzling backyard barbeques, and lounging on Sundays, it’s also the ideal time to consider taking charge of your or your child’s orthodontic treatments. Getting braces can seem like a major hassle but around 45% of all … Continued

How To Choose An Affordable Dentist

By fahrenheit

Choosing an affordable dentist can be a major hassle. Whether you’re new to an area, or you’re simply looking for a more affordable provider, finding a new dentist can feel like an overwhelming task. You know you want someone you can trust, someone more than just a person to clean your teeth. You want to … Continued

Settlement From Dentist ($675k) After Tool Dropped Down Throat

By fahrenheit

Wednesday, August 03, 2016 DES PLAINES, Ill. (WLS) — As if going to the dentist isn’t painful enough, one suburban man got way more than he bargained for when his dentist dropped a tool down his throat during a routine procedure. “I can’t not speak,” said Janus Pawlowicz, for whom emotions are still raw nearly … Continued

Wait Too Long To Schedule A Visit To The Dentist?

By fahrenheit

How often should you visit the dentist? Once a year? Twice? Tricky question, isn’t it? Is there a specific amount of time needed between visits? The answer to this question is a resounding yes, but just like each person’s genetic makeup is unique, so are their dental needs.  Why is it important to periodically see the … Continued

‘Tis the Season for Family Bonding

By fahrenheit

There is something special about Christmas morning. Your children wake up before the sun to run downstairs and shake you awake. Present opening lasts 20 minutes even though there are what seems like 100 presents under the tree. Whatever your holiday traditions may be, we all share a common activity of family bonding. The time … Continued

How to Handle Dental Anxiety

By fahrenheit

Nearly 10% of Americans have mild to severe forms of dental anxiety. If you fear the dentist you probably arrive to the appointment  with cold sweats. In severe cases, you may avoid seeing the dentist for treatment all together. Dental anxiety is very real, but can be combatted when proper coping mechanisms are utilized for … Continued

How Does Halloween Candy Ruin Your Teeth?

By fahrenheit

Halloween is a great time for your kids to dress however they like and roam the streets, only to bring back pounds and pounds of delicious, sugary candy. Although it can be difficult, resisting digging into the candy bag after your kids fall asleep will save you dental work that could’ve been avoided. Sugar is … Continued

Interesting Facts About Saliva You Never Knew

By fahrenheit

Saliva is an odd but necessary secretion all of us have. We produce between one and two liters per day in order to maintain a natural saliva flow. Besides helping us break down our food, saliva has a long list of helpful traits and strange remedies that keep our bodies on the right track. Over … Continued