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Should I Buy an Electric Toothbrush?

29 Apr 2015

Electric toothbrushes were a big deal a few years ago when they first came on the market. Now it seems like some people are dependent on them, while others continue to stick to the traditional toothbrush. Could the electric toothbrush really clean your teeth better, or is it simply a fancy gimmick?

Electric toothbrushes are quite popular for one reason–they make our lives easier. Not having to think about brushing your teeth and letting technology take over the grunt work is quite popular. Even though toothbrushing requires minimal time and effort on a normal day, it can be worth it to switch and save doing some of the undesirable work.

An electric toothbrush is good only if it is quality. Certain options only have an off and on switch, which can allow you to zone out and forget how long you’ve been brushing your teeth. Special and more advanced toothbrushes will come with timers to indicate when to switch sections of your teeth and when to stop altogether. Most of these automated toothbrushes can actually provide a more extensive cleaning that attained via normal brushing for the simple reason that people cannot put as much effort into brushing their teeth.

Most electric toothbrushes have bristle heads that move between 10 and 30 thousand revolutions per minute.  The average person wouldn’t ever be able to get anywhere close to that sort of speed, showing a clear advantage over normal brushes.  This spinning head can break up and blast away plaque and bacteria significantly better than a regular toothbrush, even during comparable time intervals.  Plus, some options deliver greater range, cleaning those harder to reach spots in the back of your mouth.

With this increased speed, users can generally see greater gum health as the bristles massage and stimulate the area.  Again, the same result could be delivered through regular un-motorized brushing, but many people do not want to invest their time into proper toothbrushing with dedication and vigor.

Ultimately, the best decision is what works for you.  If you’re happy with your old toothbrush, and you rarely have dental issues, then stick with what works.  If you’re curious about using an electric brand however, why not give it a shot?  It will save you some time, provide a cleaner clean, and won’t require nearly as much manpower.

If you have more questions about which electric toothbrush is right for you or whether you should consider making the switch, call our office today so we can answer some of your questions.


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