Tooth Sensitivity: Factors and Solutions
4 Nov 2014
Have you ever put something cold in your mouth, only for your teeth to hurt and you wince in pain? Tooth sensitivity comes in many forms, but can make eating certain foods and being in extreme weather conditions painful. There are actual several causes of tooth sensitivity, but fortunately tooth sensitivity is treatable and can actually improve dental health. Here are the most commonly cited causes of tooth sensitivity so you can see where the problem lies and how to fix it:
You brush your teeth too hard. Sometimes while trying to make that bad morning breath go away you might get carried away, or maybe it’s all the time. Some people are prone to brushing their teeth with too much gusto, and can actually be doing harm to their teeth. The same effect could occur if it’s your toothbrush, rather than your brushing style, that is too hard. By brushing your teeth in such an abrasive manner you might be wearing the protective layers of your teeth down so that the sensitive tubes leading to the nerves themselves are exposed. The simple solution to this involves using a softer brush and moving a little slower and tenderly.
You eat acidic foods. Sometimes if the nerve paths are already exposed, eating acidic foods will wear them away even more and cause discomfort. Acid is the biggest eroder of tooth enamel and can cause the dentin inside the tooth to show. Avoid extra pain by being smart and removing excess acidic filled foods from your diet.
You grind your teeth. Tooth grinding is a bad habit many children have, but can follow you into your adult life. If you grind your teeth you wear down the enamel in the same way brushing too hard might, so the nerve endings become exposed. If you do grind your teeth, call our office today so a dentist can recommend a fitted mouth guard to wear at night. Over time you may correct the problem.
You have gum disease. If you have untreated gingivitis or even periodontitis, you may be susceptible to overly sensitive teeth. As the gumline recedes, increased tooth sensitivity and bleeding may occur. Contact your dentist immediately if you think this is the problem so a corrective treatment or surgery can be recommended.
You have recently undergone a dental procedure. If you just got a new root canal, don’t fret. Some sensitivity is to be expected for the first week after a procedure. If your pain doesn’t disappear within a short time, you should revisit the dentist who conducted the procedure as it may be infected.
If you do have tooth sensitivity, try contacting your dentist or call our office today. Temporarily, try a sensitive-formula toothpaste, which may contain chemicals to improve the feeling in your mouth. However, not all patients report these working so your dentist can prescribe an alternative. Only a professional can tell you for sure what is causing your sensitivity and may be able to apply an enamel-strengthening treatment for you.
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