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Vitamins and Oral Health

8 Dec 2011

Certain vitamins and minerals help maintain body function and overall health. Our body is able to obtain some of these nutrients from the foods we eat, but often that is not enough. During the course of a hectic week it may be difficult to eat right. Vitamin supplements can be a great way to help the body maintain optimal functionality, though they should be taken with care.

Often, vitamins are not associated with oral health. In truth however, vitamin C and D deficiencies have been linked to increased cavity formation and poor gum health. In one collection of studies, 90% of cases reported that increasing vitamin D intake decreased cavities in children. Other reports highlight the antioxidant power of vitamin C and how, in appropriate levels, it can reduce the risk for oral cancer and other diseases caused by outside pollutants.

The connection between oral health and vitamin deficiencies may be, for the most part, diet based – but there is certainly a great deal of activity and attitude involved as well. A healthy lifestyle can be just as contagious as the worst cold or flu. Eating healthy is a great start, but often that will lead to increased levels of exercise, and overall productivity.

So, making a point to eat healthy may not only keep you free from cavities and gum disease, but it may also be the first step in a whole new healthier lifestyle.

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