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What Happens If I Don’t Floss

3 Jan 2012

Flossing is essential, yet often ignored due to time constraints or the belief that brushing alone is good enough to prevent most dental issues. So what happens if you choose not to floss?

Flossing scrapes out the food particles stuck between our teeth.  Sometimes our toothbrushes can reach these tight nooks and crannies, but not always.  Sometimes, mouthwash can rinse out these areas, keeping them clean and bacteria free … but not always.  Therefore, we have dental floss.

If you don’t floss, you are putting your mouth at risk.  Sure there is always the chance that you might not experience any problem, but are you willing to bet your teeth on it?  Not flossing can leave bits of food between your teeth.  These pieces of food can, over time, erode your gums and the enamel of your teeth.  When gums or enamel erode, the sensitive material underneath is exposed, causing serious pain and discomfort.  Eventually, bad breath, cavities, and gum disease can be the result of an oral hygiene routine that lacks flossing.

So, take the extra 2 minutes in the rest room to floss your teeth.  That way, when the dentist asks you “Do you floss regularly?” you won’t have to turn your head away in shame.

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