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Top 5 Blog Posts of 2012

31 Dec 2012

Here at Greenspoint Dental we’ve had a wonderful year. We welcomed our new pediatric dentist Dr. Kari Blankenship to the practice, raised hundreds of dollars for the Mercer Arboretum and continued to offer exceptional and professional dental services to the citizens of Houston.

To celebrate the end of a great 2012 and the start of an exciting 2013, we’re counting down our top 5 blog posts of the year. Take a peek around and tell us what you think. Was there a post that didn’t make our list that you really liked?

5. Best and Worst Halloween Candies for Your Teeth 

Published: October 15, 2012
Not all Halloween candies are created equal. Some are much worse for your teeth than others. Generally you should stay away from super sticky or super sour candies and aim for sugar-free substitutes and dark chocolate.

4. Ryan Lochte’s Grill: Yes or No?

Published: August 2, 2012
Remember Ryan Lochte’s infamous American flag grill that he wore at the Olympics? There was a big debate in the media over whether the grill was “tacky” or not. Here at the office, we decided that although strange, the grill was ultimately pretty cool.

3. Tooth Fairy Earnings Up 15% 

Published: October 4, 2012
One of the most telling signs of the struggling economy was a significant drop in Tooth Fairy earnings. This year, however, kids made 15% more from their missing teeth than in 2011. Tooth Fairy spokespeople were optimistic about returns in 2013 as well.

2. Greenspoint Dental Welcomes Dr. Kari Blankenship

Published: July 18, 2012
This summer, Greenspoint Dental welcomed Dr. Kari Blankenship to the office as our brand new pediatric dentist. Dr. Blankenship graduated from University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio where she received her doctorate in Dental Surgery.

1. Yaeba: Japan’s Crooked Smiles 

Published: August 9, 2012
Our number one post got an unexpected amount of attention from online audiences. In only a few short months it racked up nearly 1,000 views from people around the world. Yaeba is a new dental procedure popular with teenage girls in Japan in which the girls’ canine teeth are elongated and given a crooked appearance. Girls who have had yaeba say it makes them look younger and more attractive.

Here at Greenspoint Dental, we wish you a fantastic and safe New Year’s Eve! We’re looking forward to seeing you back in our office in 2013.

To make a Houston dental appointment, contact us today.

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